_links to: MANUAL | HF Low WebSDR | 2mtr WebSDR |
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Allow keyboard:
j k ← →: freq down/up (+shift or +ctrl/alt)
b B: band up/down
u l c a f: USB, LSB, CW, AM, FM
z Z: center/zoom waterfall
g: enter frequency
m: toggle mute
s: toggle squelch
n: toggle notch

? ? dBm     S ? ?

  === WebSDR Maasbree High ===

Manual Squelch:
S:  ?

More info about Noise Reduction & High Boost here
Frequency - dual memory band select:



Signal strength plot:


  ?  kHz@-6dB   Pitch: ? ?  Hz

     ?  Hz   Ref. Tone
     ?  Hz

This WebSDR is currently being used by ? user(s) simultaneously:      compact view


WebSDR === Maasbree === operating on 40m - 10m band (offline during local thunderstorms)
You can contact us for any question via e-mail: websdr-maasbree at ziggo.nl
Please appreciate that it is a hobby and we do it for free.

SYSOP messages: Messages

Operators: Operators
Location: Location
Receivers: Receivers
Antennas: Antennas

Manual WebSDR Maasbree: MANUAL
WebSDR information: Background and technical info
WSPR: WSPR using call PE0MJX

All relevant links: Links

Note 1 Firefox is the preferred browser.
Code from the Utah WebSDR (tks!) is added for support of Chrome, Apple, etc. Go to this Utah site for more info if needed.
Note 2 If you have a mobile phone, try this one: ==> Mobile version <==
Note 3 CATSync allows you to synchronize the WebSDR with your real rig.

WebSDR is a very strong concept developed by PA3FWM!
More information about the WebSDR project can be found on http://www.websdr.org.

© Copyrights Graphical User Interface (GUI) design of this WebSDR: PA0SIM and PE0MJX
Copying the GUI design partially or completely is allowed with proper source reference including a link to this WebSDR for non commercial WebSDR use only.
